Autumn Vibes #2


With my favourite season finally being back, I feel like my inspiration in photography and fashion has finally returned as well! 

Hallo ihr Lieben!
Happy October! I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. I thought about it earlier and it literally feels as if Silvester was just a  month ago to me. With me graduating and being super stressed due to it for more than six months, the time has gone by in a blur and now it's spooky season once again and I'm moving to Australia soon.. Life is crazy :D
Adding to my complete loss of any sense of time I also had a few months where I lacked of any inspiration for being creative. It was super weird because even in my most stressful times, ideas for photography or daring outfits were always on my mind and now that I am finally mostly stress free working in a job that I really like I had a super down phase when it came to creativity and innovative ideas. Weird much?
I feel like I am finally getting back on track with that though. I wrote about it in a blogpost I did on autumn last year saying it has slowly become my favourite season and with it approaching, I feel like my ideas and motivation are finally coming back as well. I am having a lot of DIY ideas, I love layering outfits and with foggy mornings and colourful afternoons I really get in the mood for walks outside and having my camera always with me. I even forced my best friend to go outside and collect chestnuts with me in the pouring rain (much to his dismay, he hates rainy and cold weather and is currently pretending that it is still summer, to the extend that he was wearing shorts and no jacket while it was 12 degrees outside. I think I need to have a chat with him about his state of denial before he gets a serious case of pneumonia or something :D). 
I am really trying to capture my current mood through the photos of this post: cuddly and admiring, with lots of cozy blankets and scented candles (my best friend and I literally drove more than 20 minutes to a town nearby because of a store with a great collection of candles, mugs and everything autumn and Christmas, what is life). 
Do you like autumn?
I hope you're having a great week and much love, 

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  1. toller Text und wunderschöne Bilder! <3

  2. toller post. :) ich mag deine bilder sehr gerne. das gibt einem so ein richtiges herbstfeeling und ich liebe den herbst! allein wenn man rausgeht, die blätter einem schon entgegen fliegen und es irgendwie das herbst riecht.
    machst du in australien ein auslandssemester? ich träume ja auch noch davon, eines tages dahinzufliegen.

    liebe grüße :)


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